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  • How To Create A Sata To Usb Cable


    past eddy315west ·

    Ok This Is What I Am Trying To Attain.
    Im Trying to Connect A Sata Dvd Drive To A USB Port On My Laptop. I Own Both Sata Cables And Usb Cables And I Know How To Solder And Read Instructions . I Just Demand To Know How To Make The Cablevision/Adapter . And Only Reason Equally Why I Need Information technology Cuz I Cannot Look another 4 to 5 Days For My Power supply For The PC Im Building.

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    • Clarifications

      by eddy315west ·

      In reply to How To Create A Sata To Usb Cable


    • A direct connection won't work

      by nicknielsen ·

      In reply to How To Create A Sata To Usb Cable

      The communication protocols for SATA are quite unlike from those for USB. You lot need an agile interface like this neat piffling toy: http://world wide web.sataconverter.com/

    • Interface Adapter

      by thechas ·

      In reply to How To Create A Sata To Usb Cable

      Every bit Nick said, you cannot merely wire upwardly a cable and have the SATA HDD work over a USB interface.

      First, you need to provide all of the power a SATA bulldoze needs. That includes 3.three 5, 5 V, and 12 Volts.
      Since USB only provides 5 volts, you need either an external ability supply, or efficient DC to DC converters.

      Then, y'all demand data buffers and interface converters along with the back up hardware for the devices.

      Every bit far as y'all principal question about the raw connections, check out this site:

      http://world wide web.hardwarebook.info/

      Still, what yous need is a USB to SATA adapter like Nick gave you a link to.


      • Or

        by w2ktechman ·

        In respond to Interface Adapter

        if that adapter does not do, there are Sata — USB external bulldoze cases that you tin purchase as well.
        They would cost about the same (or more) as that cablevision though, simply may exist easier to find.