
How To Make Good Tofu

Silken or actress-business firm? To press or not to printing? This easy baked tofu recipe + my best tips and tricks volition teach you how to melt tofu similar a pro!

Baked tofu

Everyone has an opinion on tofu, and here's mine: I absolutely honey it…when it's prepared the right way. If you've never worked with it before, cooking tofu can be daunting. But once you larn a little about information technology, information technology couldn't exist easier to gear up tofu well! Below, yous'll find my all-time tips and tricks for how to cook tofu like a pro, plus my go-to sriracha baked tofu recipe!

What is tofu, anyhow?

Tofu is a soy-based food that's made from curdling soy milk and forming it into a solid block. Information technology's a practiced source of plant-based protein that can be used in all sorts of means. Information technology's a slap-up addition to vegetarian and vegan diets, but even if yous're a meat eater, I urge you lot to attempt it. In my tofu recipes, I don't use it as a meat substitute, simply rather every bit something unique and delicious in its own right!

Tofu on a cutting board

How to Cook Tofu

Tofu can get a bad rap equally a meat substitute, only it's really an incredibly versatile ingredient. When composite, information technology has a great creamy texture – you can apply information technology in a vegan mousse or pudding, and information technology's essential for making a flossy ricotta substitute in my lasagna and vegan stuffed shells. Most often, I bake information technology to add poly peptide and hearty texture to bowls, noodles, and salads.

It's easy to work with, but in that location are a few things you should know earlier you start cooking with it. Here are my best tips on how to cook tofu:

  1. Make sure you select the right texture. In grocery stores, it ranges from silken to firm and extra-firm. Soft silken tofu would be my selection for blending into desserts or slicing into miso soup, but if you lot're serving it as a main dish or topping it onto bowls, extra-firm is what you'll need. It has a heartier, denser texture and less water content than other types of tofu. Notation: I prefer to purchase organic tofu made without genetically modified soybeans.
  2. Printing it.Tofu contains a lot of water, and you lot'll want to squeeze most of it out, especially if you're baking, grilling, or frying it. Tofu presses are available in stores, but having one isn't necessary. You tin apply a stack of books, or just do what I practice, and apply your easily to printing information technology lightly in a kitchen towel or paper towels. (Just make certain not to push besides hard, or it will crumble!)
  3. Spice. It. Up.There's a reason that tofu gets flak for being bland, and that's because it is! Make certain y'all flavor it well. You lot can marinate it, or gear up it using the crispy baked tofu recipe beneath:

How to cook tofu

My Go-To Baked Tofu Recipe

Baking is my go-to method for how to cook tofu. It yields flavorful, house cubes that are perfect for adding to a stir fry, salad, or basin! Here'southward how I do it:

Start, drain the tofu and gently press it in a kitchen towel or paper towels over the sink. Many broiled tofu recipes swear by pressing it for 30 minutes or more, but in my opinion, that step isn't necessary. This method is And then much quicker, and the results are delicious!

Next, chop information technology into 1-inch cubes and spread them in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking canvass. Toss the cubes with olive oil, tamari or soy sauce, and sriracha. If desired, you could also add cornstarch to brand it actress crispy. It's proficient both ways, but I like mine best without the cornstarch. The corners of the cubes go golden dark-brown and caramelized, while the middles stay prissy and chewy.

Finally, broil! Transfer the baking sheet to a 425-degree oven and melt until the cubes are browned around the edges. Enjoy!

Baked tofu recipe

More than Plant-Based Cooking Basics

If you dearest this recipe, try one of these establish-based cooking components next:

  • Crispy Roasted Chickpeas
  • Marinated Baked Tempeh
  • How to Cook Lentils
  • Lemon Herb Couscous
  • Herbed Farro
  • Cauliflower Rice
  • Zucchini Noodles
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Vegan Bacon
  • Jackfruit

How to Cook Tofu

Prep Time: v mins

Cook Time: 25 mins

Total Fourth dimension: 30 mins

Serves 5

  • 14 ounces extra-house tofu, patted dry and cubed
  • 1/2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • ii tablesoons tamari
  • 1/two teaspoon sriracha
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch, optional
  • Preheat the oven to 425°F and line a baking sheet with parchment newspaper.

  • Toss the cubed tofu with the olive oil, tamari, and sriracha. For extra crispy tofu, sprinkle with the cornstarch and gently toss to coat.

  • Spread the tofu evenly onto the baking sheet. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until browned around the edges. Remove and serve warm.

How To Make Good Tofu,


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