
What Makes Beowulf An Epic Poem

How Is Beowulf an Instance of a Literary Epic?

Written betwixt the 8th and 11th century, "Beowulf" is the oldest known poem written in One-time English. The poem is a prime case of a literary epic, focusing on the heroic quest of its championship character, Beowulf, a Scandinavian warrior. The key aspects that brand "Beowulf" an excellent instance of an epic verse form relate to his narrative, length, some of the mutual "epic" devices information technology uses, and its description of magic and mystical characters and creatures.

Narrative Length

2 of the nearly obvious characteristics of epic poetry are its length and narrative quality. Unlike lyric poems, which tin can be brusk reflections on a single object or person, epic poems are quite long -- often the length of a novel -- and they present a narrative or story that features many objects and characters.

"Beowulf" contains more than 3,000 lines, and more than than 30 characters. The lengthy poem tells the complicated story of the eponymous hero Beowulf's battle with Grendel, Grendel'due south mother and a dragon.

Lists, Speeches and Themes

Epic poems often characteristic lengthy lists known as "epic lists" and long speeches by main characters. "Beowulf" includes ballsy lists of the hero'due south lineage besides as the regions over which his kingdom has rule.

Additionally, there are several lengthy speeches past characters ranging from Beowulf to Grendel and Grendel's female parent. In that location also are several "narrative" speeches in which the narrator reflects on the theme or pregnant of the narrative action in the verse form.

The majority of these latter speeches occur between Beowulf'due south defeat of Grendel and his battle with the dragon 50 years subsequently that results in his fatal wounding.

Hero's Quest

"Beowulf" focuses on the rule of its title character, the ruler of the Geats in Scandinavia. Although Beowulf already is a well-renowned hero every bit the verse form starts, his greatest challenges are described over the form of the poem. These include his protection of Hrothgar from the barbarous attacks of the monster Grendel every bit well as the retributive attacks of Grendel'south monstrous mother.

Beowulf returns home later on these battles to become king of his people. Fifty years after his defeat of Grendel's mother, Beowulf must protect his people from a marauding dragon that is destroying the countryside because a thief stole a gilded cup from its lair.

Although Beowulf is successful in defeating the dragon, he is mortally wounded in the battle. The verse form concludes with Beowulf'south burial.

Descent Into a Magic Underworld

A significant aspect of Beowulf's heroic quest is his descent into the underground lair of Grendel'due south mother later she attacks Hrothgar's mead hall to avenge her son'south expiry. Beowulf is armed with an apparently magical sword called Hrunting, which proves to be no match for Grendel'south mother'due south power.

Ultimately, Beowulf is able to decollate Grendel's mother -- besides as Grendel, whom he finds deeper in the lair -- using a magical sword he discovers in the lair's treasure. The description of both the magic every bit well as the trip into and out of an underworld are common aspects of epic poems.

What Makes Beowulf An Epic Poem,


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