502 Black Pigment
502 Black Pigment

502 Black Paint is an epoxy-based liquid colorant used to tint the epoxy mixture black, providing an even, black color base of operations for the last finish organisation. Colored surfaces as well tend to highlight flaws and imperfections. Cured, pigmented epoxy surfaces are not a concluding finish surface, but crave an additional paint or UV filter coating for ultraviolet protection. Add to the mixed resin/hardener at a charge per unit of approximately one teaspoon of pigment to 8 fl oz of epoxy. When using 300 Mini Pumps with 5:one ratio epoxy mixtures, 10 strokes of 105 Resin and ten strokes of 205 or 206 Hardener yields eight fl oz. of epoxy; for 3:1 ratio epoxy mixtures, 9 strokes of 105 Resin and 9 strokes of 207 or 209 Hardener yields 8.1 fl oz. of epoxy.

More pigments volition increment opaqueness and mixture viscosity. One 4 fl oz bottle will tint approximately 1.5 gal of epoxy.

4 fl oz

502 Black Pigment Safety Information Canvas (pdf)

Adding 502 Blackness Paint to Epoxy

Adding a coloring amanuensis to WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy is frequently washed to make colored castings, highlight an epoxy-coated surface, human action as a colored base coat for paint, etc. Most powdered pigments are satisfactory, as are acrylic paste pigments and universal tinting pigment.

Adding pigment to epoxy should, like everything in life, be done in moderation. Without exception, calculation pigment to WEST Organization Epoxy will weaken the cured mixture to some degree. Considering of this, nosotros suggest you utilise very modest amounts of paint, about five% by weight. As a result, sparse films of colored epoxy are somewhat transparent. It usually requires several coats to brand the movie opaque.

West SYSTEM pigments are available in iii colors, white, blackness and gray. We suspend the pigments in an epoxy resin base of operations which allows them to blend thoroughly into the epoxy to make very uniform colors. Considering the pigment has an epoxy resin base, it is important non to add more than the recommended amount. Calculation an excessive amount of pigment to the epoxy could alter the resin/hardener ratio, compromising cured epoxy performance.

If y'all need to make a tinted epoxy putty for filling defects, mix WEST Organisation epoxy with 406 Colloidal Silica Filler to make the putty. The improver of 406 to the epoxy results in an easily colored, smooth, off-white paste that tin be tinted with ane of the pigments.

Epoxy, tinted or clear, does non have good UV calorie-free resistance. An epoxy coating exposed to UV will yellow, become opaque, and eventually chip off. This procedure takes a while and if the object y'all are coating has limited exposure to sunlight, a colored epoxy blanket will hold up for years.—From "Adding Pigments to W Organisation Epoxy" by Brian Knight, Epoxyworks #8