
How To Make Agidi With Akamu

agidi eko

Agidi (Eko)

Nigerian Agidi or Eko is Nigeria'south Jello sort of. It is made with corn flour. The procedure is very like to how to brand Ogi just with a slight difference.
How to Brand Agidi or Eko [Video]
Agidi or Eko tastes so adept with hot Akara or Pepper Soup. Watch me eat it with Pepper Soup hither.

Recipes Related to Agidi (Eko):

  • How to Brand Agidi / Eko from Scratch with Corn
  • Nigerian Moi Moi (Moin Moin)
  • Akara (Bean Cake/Balls)
  • Assorted Meat Pepper Soup

What y'all will demand to brand Agidi or Eko

  • i cup corn flour (corn starch)
  • 700mls (approx. 25 fl. oz.) common cold water


Are you lot looking for the recipe for making Agidi Jollof with corn starch? Visit the How to make Agidi Jollof with corn starch page.

If you are in Nigeria or in certain countries exterior Nigeria, you lot should be able to purchase corn and make Agidi from scratch, click hither for how to practice that. If you tin't buy corn where yous live and yous are outside Nigeria, ensure that the corn flour you buy is very fine. In Europe I can buy the corn flour known every bit Maizena which is great for this.

  1. Mix the corn starch/flour with the 700 mls of common cold water in a pot. Please add together h2o bit by scrap because that's the best style to get a good mixture without lumps. If you lot are using Akamu or Ogi, add water till yous get the consistency shown in the video below.
  2. Identify the pot on the stove and set up the heating to medium depression.
  3. Stir continuously with a wooden spatula. You don't have to stir in one management. Just make sure you lot are constantly stirring the mixture.
  4. After some time, you will notice the corn starch mixture begin to thicken. Continue stirring because if y'all stop, lumps will form and you do not desire that. If you are stirring continously and lumps are still forming, it means the heat is too much and so reduce the heat.
  5. When it has completely thickened similar Custard, cascade some water to the sides of the Agidi, cover the pot and get out to simmer for about 10 minutes on medium estrus.
  6. Stir well to mix the Agidi with the water.
  7. To bank check that the Agidi is done, put a small quantity into some cold water. If it sets after cooling down then the Agidi is washed.
  8. Transfer to containers and leave to cool down completely at room temperature.
  9. You should wrap them with Uma leaves to go the classic Agidi shape. Watch me wrap mine in the video below. lol!

Serve with hot Akara or piping hot Nigerian Pepper Soup. They are slap-up partners to Agidi.

How To Make Agidi With Akamu,


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